Eggs are a nutritious food that have many different health benefits and are a great source of protein which constitutes a healthy, balanced diet. Myths have been made about chickens and eggs, resulting in confusion. The following are common myths and the facts that dispel them.
For Hens to Lay Eggs, They Need Roosters.
Hens don’t need roosters to lay eggs. However, roosters are necessary to fertilize the eggs if you want them to hatch into chicks, but hens will just lay as many eggs with or without roosters. It’s just a natural process for hens to lay eggs so they don’t need to mate. Some farmers just keep hens because roosters can be noisy and tend to be aggressive.
The Color of Eggs Depend on How the Hens are Raised
The color of eggs depend on the breed of the hen laying them. How they are raised has nothing to do with their eggs’ color. For example, Leghorn chickens lay white eggs while Ameraucana, Araucana, Cream Legbar and Arkansas Blue hens lay blue eggs. The Olive Eggers, Isbars, Ice Cream Bars and Favaucanas lay green eggs and Easter Eggers lay blue and green eggs. The Barnvelder, Welsummer, and Marans chickens lay chocolate brown eggs. Each individual hen will lay only one egg color her whole life and the color of her eggs is determined by genetics.
Chickens can Thrive in Cages Since They Also Eat, Drink and Socialize Even when Confined.
Chickens are healthier and have a longer lifespan when they are allowed to roam free. Hence, free-range chickens produce better and more flavorful eggs. Chickens need to eat worms and bugs, dig in the soil and dirt and get enough sunshine for Vitamin D. They don’t thrive without exercise, grass or when they are confined to very small spaces. They need to be free to lay fresh eggs that give the delicious flavor with all the B vitamins. Our chickens are outside from sunrise to sunset and at night they are kept in predator-proof cages. The result are fresh eggs with beautiful golden-yellow egg yolks and soft egg whites. You can’t get good flavor out of eggs that have been raised inside of a tightly compact cage where the chicken can barely turn around.
Eating Eggs Everyday is Bad for Your Health.
Eggs are a nutritious source of protein. They also contain Vitamin A, the B vitamins, Vitamin D and Iodine. Due to the nutrient content of eggs, eating between one and three eggs per day, depending on a person’s health requirement, has several health benefits. Eating eggs does not pose a threat even for people with high cholesterol. Everything is bad for your health in extreme excess, having a few eggs for breakfast will not hurt you.
One things for sure amidst all of the myths, River Road Farm has the best free range chicken eggs in town!